Like tormented souls we're lying on the ground

Tears of the secrets are stained on our skin

Shall we ever feel again the warmth of sun

At the end of night we'll die like our dreams

Velvet are the thorns that making us to bleed

Silent are the moments of our own desires

Shall we ever hear again our silent screams

At the end of day we'll become the fire

The burden of solitude......

...And we are longing for the unknown

written - scritto
words - parole
where - dove
warmth - calore
walking - a passeggio
velvet - velluto
unknown - sconosciuto
tormented - tormentato
thorns - spine
tears - lacrime
following - a seguire
again - ancora
dream - sognare
souls - anime
grace - grazia
angels - angeli
forbidden - proibito
destiny - destino
desires - desideri
leave - partire
ground - terra
moments - momenti
alone - da solo
sadness - tristezza
eternity - eternità
covering - copertura
longing - brama
lying - dire bugie
buried - sepolto
forgotten - dimenticato
hands - mani
light - leggero
oceans - oceani
ashes - cenere
dreams - sogni
bring - portare
hearts - cuori
become - diventare
black - nero
bleed - sanguinare
blinded - accecato
whisper - sussurro
burden - fardello
hopeless - senza speranza
ignorance - ignoranza
hopes - speranze
making - fabbricazione
stained - macchiato
night - notte
paradise - paradiso
return - ritorno
solitude - solitudine
screams - urla
secrets - segreti
shadows - ombre
shall - deve
silent - silenzioso

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