I got death in my pocket and nothing but time
All these bones in the closet, in the back of my mind
I just leave 'em there, I don’t even care, no
Holding up a flare, I could use a prayer, oh
I got death in my pocket, but I feel so alive
Don't know, why but it feels like my world is crashing down
I just bought a brand...
Fuck, how much darkness does it take to get this flashy?
Don't know why, but it feels like my world is crashing down
I just bought a brand new car, I wanna crash it now
How much darkness does it take to get this flashy now?
I lose a piece of my soul when the camera flashes
So I’m just asking every fan who's questioning my passion
Thinking I'm caught up in fashion or that I forgot my past
To understand that I'm just a dropout, I don't have the answers
I became a dad so young, I ain't know how to use them Pampers
Baby mama's food stamps kept my stomach full
I had to make a plan 'cause now my family needed me to make it rapping
Me and Slim back at that address, 128th, we trapping
Writing lyrics down on napkins
young - giovane
world - mondo
understand - capire
tryna - tryna
trapping - intrappolando
think - pensare
these - queste
there - là
silent - silenzioso
years - anni
seven - sette
piece - pezzo
passed - passato
pampers - coccola
thing - cosa
rapping - rapping
nothing - niente
needed - necessaria
mattress - materasso
lyrics - testi
lived - ha vissuto
leave - partire
holding - detenzione
ready - pronto
chances - possibilità
pocket - tasca
caught - catturato
reaction - reazione
flashes - lampeggia
knuckles - nocche
before - prima
asked - chiesto
cancer - cancro
sadness - tristezza
blood - sangue
camera - macchina fotografica
could - poteva
bottling - imbottigliamento
thinking - pensiero
battling - combattendo
death - morte
shattered - distrutto
closest - più vicina
answers - risposte
stomach - stomaco
small - piccolo
punching - punzonatura
passing - passaggio
afterlife - vita dell'aldilà
doctors - medici
alive - vivo
closet - guardaroba
bought - comprato
darkness - oscurità
napkins - tovaglioli
address - indirizzo
closer - più vicino
brand - marca
passion - passione
asking - chiede
dropout - buttare fuori
became - [object Object]
family - famiglia
bones - ossatura
sleep - dormire
crashing - schiantarsi
flashy - vistoso
second - secondo
crash - schianto
devil - diavolo
happy - contento
until - fino a
stamps - francobolli
drugs - farmaci
every - dejte pozor
tonight - stasera
cracking - screpolatura
fashion - moda
feels - si sente
finally - finalmente
wanna - voglio
shared - diviso
first - primo
flare - bagliore
forgot - dimenticato
questioning - interrogativo
prayer - preghiera
fucked - scopata
writing - scrittura
guess - indovina
casket - cofanetto
happened - è accaduto
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