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Madonna – Turn Up The Radio testo e traduzione (al clic) in italiano

Turn Up The Radio - Madonna

parole da studiare

When the world starts to get you down

And nothing seems to go your way

And the noise of the maddening crowd

Makes you feel like you're going to go insane

There's a glow of a distant light

Calling you to come outside

To feel the wind on your face and your skin

And it's here I begin my story

Turn up the radio

Turn up the radio

Don't ask me where I wanna go

We gotta turn up the radio

It was time that I opened my eyes

I'm leaving the past behind

Nothing's ever what it seems

Including this time and this crazy dream

I'm stuck like a moth to a flame

I'm so tired of playing this game

I don't know how I got to this state

Let me out of my cage cause I'm dying