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Manic Street Preachers – PCP testo e traduzione (al clic) in italiano

PCP - Manic Street Preachers

parole da studiare

Teacher starve your child, P.C. approved

As long as the right words are used

Systemised atrocity ignored

As long as bi-lingual signs on view

Ten foot sign in Oxford Street

Be pure - be vigilant - behave

Grey not neon, grey not real

Life bleeds, death is your birthright

P.C. she speaks impotent, sterile, naive, blind, atheist, sadist,

stiff-upper lip, first principle of her silence, of her silence

PCP - a P.C. police victory

PCP - a P.C. pyrrhic victory

When I was young P.C. meant Police Constable

Nowadays I can't seem to tell the difference

Liposuction for your bad mouth boy

Cut out your tongue, effigies are sold