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Mariah Carey – Subtle Invitation testo e traduzione (al clic) in italiano

Subtle Invitation - Mariah Carey

parole da studiare

On the off chance you'd hear

And if you happen to be somewhere listening

You should know I'm still here

If you really need me

Baby just reach out and touch me

You don't ever have to be

Downhearted again

If she hurts you or misleads you

Baby all you ever need to do

Is call me and let love rush in

What can I say, I had a little extra time

So I figured I might as well explain

A couple little things to you

That you probably never knew

Like you'll always be an intrinsic part of me

Even though life goes on

If you really need me

Baby just reach out and touch me

You don't ever have to be

Downhearted again

If she hurts you or misleads you

Baby all you ever need to do

Is call me and let love rush in

And in my love will flow

Like the waves to the shore

You can fall into me

Once again effortlessly

And I'll comfort you so

Your heart won't hurt anymore