I would give up everything .
Before I'd separate myself from you.
After so much suffering .
I finally found unvarnished truth.
I was all by myself for the longest time.
So cold inside.
And the hurt from the heartache would not subside.
I felt like dying.
Until you saved my life.
Thank God I found you.
I was lost without you.
My every wish and every dream.
Somehow became reality .
When you brought the sunlight.
Completed my whole life.
would - voluto
without - senza
unvarnished - non verniciato
again - ancora
brought - portato
heartache - angoscia
finally - finalmente
nothing - niente
desolate - desolato
dying - sta morendo
world - mondo
dream - sognare
completed - completato
happiness - felicità
appreciate - apprezzare
whole - totale
saved - salvato
alright - tutto apposto
after - dopo
became - [object Object]
myself - me stessa
everything - qualunque cosa
every - dejte pozor
because - perché
destined - destinata
before - prima
shine - brillare
beside - accanto
found - trovato
guess - indovina
looking - analizzare, cercare, guardare
somehow - in qualche modo
inside - dentro
subside - placarsi
insure - assicurare
reality - la realtà
shows - Spettacoli
keeping - conservazione
gratitude - gratitudine
longest - più lunga
until - fino a
separate - separato
night - notte
overwhelmed - sopraffatto
suffering - sofferenza
cherish - accarezzare
sunlight - luce del sole
survive - sopravvivere
thank - ringraziare
thankful - grato
through - attraverso
truth - verità
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