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Mark Knopfler – Boom, Like That testo e traduzione (al clic) in italiano

Boom, Like That - Mark Knopfler

parole da studiare

I'm going to San Bernardino ring-a-ding-ding

Milkshake mix is thus my thing now

These guys bought a heap of my stuff

And I gotta see a good thing shooting up now

Folks line up all down the street

Now I am seeing this girl devour her meat now

And then I get it Wham as clear as day

My pulse begins to hammer then I hear a voice say

These boys have got this down ought to be one of these in every town

These boys have got the touch It's clean as a whistle and it don't cost much

Wham bam don't wait long, shake fries plenty of gum

How about that friendly name, heck, every little thing gotta stay the same

Or my name is not Kroc, that's Kroc with a K

A crocodile is not spelt that way now