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Metallica – Sweet amber testo e traduzione (al clic) in italiano

Sweet amber - Metallica

parole da studiare

Wash your back so you don't stab mine

Get in bed with your own kind

Live your life so you don't see mine

Drape your back so you won't shine

Wash your back so you don't stab mine

Get in bed with your own kind

Live your life so you don't see mine

Drape your back so you won't shine

Ooh then she holds my hand

And I lie to get a smile

Ooh then she holds my hand

And I lie to get a smile

Using what I want to get what you want

Using what I want to get what you want

Using what I want to get what you want

Using what I want to get what you want

Ooh sweet amber

How sweet are you?

How sweet does it get?

How sweet are you?

How sweet does it get?