What are you doing the rest of your life?

North and South and East and West of your life

I have only one request of your life

That you spend it all with me

All the seasons and the times of your days

All the nickels and the dimes of your days

Let the reasons and the rhymes of your days

All begin and end with me

winter - inverno
waiting - in attesa
through - attraverso
stand - stare in piedi
forests - foreste
fields - i campi
doing - fare
asleep - addormentato
begin - inizio
every - dejte pozor
nickels - monetine
rhymes - rime
dimes - dimes
north - nord
times - volte
candles - candele
awaken - risvegliare
spring - primavera
before - prima
recall - richiamare
silent - silenzioso
summer - estate
south - sud
light - leggero
night - notte
those - quelli
request - richiesta
tomorrows - domani
reasons - motivi
world - mondo
seasons - le stagioni
spend - trascorrere

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