Only thing moving out here is this swing on the front porch

And the sun's beating down heatin' up this house like blow torch

Sitting here singing Dixie with a whistle

Man, it's hotter than a two-dollar pistol

Baby, I know that it's only 11:30

But sure as hell or high water

I'm gettin' kinda thirsty

I don't need your mama's lemonade

I need something from a can or a bottle on ice

Just another Sunday in the South

Wanna put on some Shenandoah

and crank it loud

You and me go Fishin' in the Dark

Killin' time with Restless Heart

Just another Sunday in the South

There's church bells ringin'

Down the road and we ain't goin'

I'm singin' Hallelujah right here

with the warm wind blowin'

Next to you, Sitting next to me