You spent your twenties feeling

That you're walking on the ceiling

And you party like you're eight feet tall

You say working's for the birds

Chasing dreams in mini skirts

From here everything seems small

Then thirties come around

And you finally feel the ground

Look around and maybe start planning

For what the future holds

And though you're far from old,

Your moisturizer's been less time tanning

You're hanging over, but you're hanging in

You're starting to look like all of your friends

Conversations turning from rock n' roll

To kids and politics and how much money you owe

Got bags under your eyes, bigger hips and bigger thighs

You got places you can't even itch

walking - a passeggio
thirties - anni trenta
things - cose
tanning - abbronzatura
still - ancora
starting - di partenza
start - inizio
bitch - cagna
wonder - meravigliarsi
chasing - caccia
gonna - andando
finish - finire
dreams - sogni
friends - amici
finally - finalmente
around - in giro
small - piccolo
fifties - anni cinquanta
everything - qualunque cosa
hanging - sospeso
turning - svolta
party - partito
eight - otto
thighs - cosce
holds - detiene
happy - contento
twenties - anni venti
shifty - equivoco
boring - noioso
bigger - più grande
feeling - sensazione
almost - quasi
clear - chiaro
ceiling - soffitto
ground - terra
skirts - gonne
under - sotto
ignoring - ignorando
peace - pace
though - anche se
knock - battere
maybe - può essere
money - i soldi
never - mai
places - posti
planning - pianificazione
birds - uccelli
politics - politica
gravity - gravità
reflection - riflessione
conversations - conversazioni
sixty - sessanta
seems - sembra
future - futuro
kinda - tipo
spend - trascorrere
glass - bicchiere
spent - speso
squeeze - spremere

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