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Mitchel Musso – Speed Dial testo e traduzione (al clic) in italiano

Speed Dial - Mitchel Musso

parole da studiare

I remember you giving me your numer when I met you

Iremember you asking me if I could walk you home

I remember you said to me you wanna be my girlfriend

It´s funny how these things don´t last for long

Not funny how I don´t know the way to carry on

Tell me how am I supposed to get you off my mind

When you know I really couldn´t even if I tried

But I guess in the meanwhile, I´m talking you off the speed dail

Tell me how am I supposed to get you off my mind

And every time I hear the song it used to play when you called

I used to wanna sing alone but now I wanna die

I don´t listen to the radio I´m trying to forget you

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