The girl from Tel-Aviv who wouldn't kneel

The girl from Tel-Aviv who wouldn't kneel

Nor for her husband

Dictator, tyrant or king

Humble homes

With machos on the walls

Symbols and signs in framed designs

Sure, to keep to poor poor

In fear of a god, who hadn't saved them after all

And all of my friends are in trouble

They're sorry, they're sick and they know

And all of my friends are in trouble

There is no need to go into that now

The girl from Tel-Aviv who wouldn't kneel

The girl from Tel-Aviv who wouldn't kneel

Nor for her husband

legalized - legalizzato
husband - marito
friends - amici
tyrant - tiranno
dictator - dittatore
displayed - visualizzati
proudly - orgoglio
kneel - inginocchiarsi
worth - di valore
countenance - viso
armies - eserciti
stone - pietra
application - applicazione
american - americano
kings - re
impartial - imparziale
hardly - quasi
teeth - denti
after - dopo
torture - tortura
conflicts - conflitti
homes - le case
because - perché
blitz - Blitz
designs - disegni
loudly - forte
sorry - scusa
their - loro
mentioning - menzionare
there - là
shows - Spettacoli
other - altro
framed - incorniciato
parade - parata
signs - Segni
weeps - piange
princes - principi
these - queste
humble - umile
saved - salvato
symbols - simboli
sorrow - tristezza
think - pensare
trouble - guaio
walls - muri
costly - costoso
words - parole

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