Dreamers are believers

That's how you buy into a dream

But how much more do you need to see

Before you can believe?

It's time to wake up from this dream

What if I was never rejected?

What if you all just knew the right time to leave?

My judgment was never requested

But what if you gave me exactly what I need?

What if I altered my perspective?

What if I discovered what I never thought to see?

What if I'm still just asleep?

Wake up, wake up, you dreamer

Wake up and see the day

You thought it was a nightmare

within - entro
where - dove
generation - generazione
exactly - di preciso
realize - rendersi conto
display - display
astray - fuori strada
bottom - parte inferiore
discern - discernere
decay - decadimento
drugs - farmaci
textbook - manuale
through - attraverso
before - prima
reach - raggiungere
hiding - bastonatura
discovered - scoperto
asleep - addormentato
bellies - pance
believers - credenti
right - destra
cannot - non può
knows - conosce
dreamers - sognatori
dollar - dollaro
decadent - decadente
altered - alterato
mysterious - misterioso
requested - richiesto
judgment - giudizio
leave - partire
modern - moderno
never - mai
these - queste
nightmare - incubo
dream - sognare
outside - al di fuori
perspective - prospettiva
rejected - respinto
remember - ricorda
satan - Satana
problem - problema
signs - Segni
dreamer - sognatore
believe - credere
slumbers - sonno
still - ancora
thought - pensato

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