All natural and technological processes,

Proceed in such a way that the availability

Of the remaining energy decreases.

In all energy exchanges, if no energy

Enters or leaves an isolated system,

The entropy of that system increases.

Energy continuously flows from being

Concentrated to becoming dispersed,

Spread out, wasted and useless.

New energy cannot be created and high grade

Energy is being destroyed.

wasted - sprecato
useless - inutili
technological - tecnologico
spread - diffusione
thermodynamics - termodinamica
remaining - residuo
place - posto
natural - naturale
limits - limiti
processes - processi
isolated - isolato
system - sistema
increase - aumentare
unsustainable - insostenibile
increases - aumenta
human - umano
leaves - le foglie
growth - crescita
continuously - continuamente
fundamental - fondamentale
endless - infinito
decreases - diminuisce
innovation - innovazione
entropy - entropie
cannot - non può
advancement - avanzamento
destroyed - distrutto
concentrated - concentrato
becoming - diventando
created - creato
species - specie
availability - disponibilità
dispersed - dispersi
proceed - procedere
based - basato
being - essere
energy - energia
flows - flussi
economy - economia
exchanges - scambi
unser - Unser
enters - entra
fixed - fisso
grade - grado

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