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Nazareth – Bad Bad Boy testo e traduzione (al clic) in italiano

Bad Bad Boy - Nazareth

parole da studiare

Im a bad, bad, boy

And Im gonna steal your love

Said Im a bad, bad, boy

And Im gonna steal your love

Come take me to your house

Then Im gonna rip you off

Well I made my first kill

With the old town girl

She was the apple of her daddys eye

Well that woman looked up at me

And I said honey well be

Togethertill the day I die

But I lied

Im a bad, bad, boy

And Im gonna steal your love

Im a bad, bad, boy

And Im gonna steal your love

Come take me to your house

Then Im gonna rip you off

There seems to be no end

Of women who are lookin for a man

My services dont come cheap

But I help out when I can

Tell them lies that they wanna hear

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