Oh these hands are tired

Oh this heart is tired

Oh this soul is tired

But I'll keep on

I'll keep on

Faith is something I am not accustomed to

Trusting other people 's something I don't really love to do

I've never been a fan of it, I act tougher

Really my shoulders they ain't built for this and I don't have nothing

It's like I'm standing in the rain and you offer me a raincoat

But I would rather stand there being wet than take the handout

What's wrong with me? You said, you've always got your hands out

And I can't continue on my own so take my hands now

I give you everything, God, not just a little bit

Take it from me, I am nothing but a hypocrite

I hate sin but I built a house and asked to live in it

Afraid to open up the door to you 'n let you into it

wrong - sbagliato
until - fino a
trust - fiducia
tired - stanco
thank - ringraziare
standing - in piedi
stand - stare in piedi
these - queste
shoulders - le spalle
should - dovrebbero
serve - servire
savior - salvatore
retire - andare in pensione
remember - ricorda
rather - piuttosto
raincoat - impermeabile
there - là
question - domanda
protection - protezione
prison - prigione
would - voluto
freedom - la libertà
feeling - sensazione
heart - cuore
enough - abbastanza
created - creato
really - veramente
means - si intende
built - costruito
continue - continua
always - sempre
hypocrite - ipocrita
perfect - perfezionare
deserve - meritare
other - altro
control - controllo
peace - pace
bible - Bibbia
tougher - più dura
please - per favore
asked - chiesto
nightstand - comodino
better - meglio
accustomed - avvezzo
offer - offrire
trusting - fiducia
ashamed - si vergogna
thing - cosa
being - essere
nothing - niente
everything - qualunque cosa
bondage - servitù
pride - orgoglio
little - piccolo
collects - raccoglie
people - persone
given - dato
person - persona
tiring - faticoso
sense - senso
handout - volantino
faith - fede
hands - mani
something - qualcosa
inside - dentro
honest - onesto
house - casa
learned - imparato
needs - esigenze
direction - direzione
amazing - stupefacente
afraid - impaurito
never - mai
opportunity - opportunità
outta - outta

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