Let me say this to you
I'll be steadfast and true
And my love will never falter
The sea would crash about us
The waves would lash about us
I'll be your Rock of Gibraltar
Sometimes it's hard
And we're both caught off guard
But there's nothing I would ever alter
The wind could howl round our ears
For the next thousand years
I'd still be your Rock of Gibraltar
would - voluto
waves - onde
under - sotto
tight - stretto
thousand - mille
things - cose
thing - cosa
still - ancora
steady - costante
steadfast - costante
gibraltar - Gibilterra
caught - catturato
could - poteva
malta - Malta
sometimes - a volte
years - anni
foresee - prevedere
together - insieme
about - di
utterly - completamente
night - notte
crash - schianto
never - mai
alter - alterare
altar - altare
yellow - giallo
through - attraverso
betrayed - tradito
great - grande
guard - guardia
powers - potenze
stand - stare in piedi
falter - vacillare
round - il giro
honeymoon - luna di miele
nothing - niente
plans - piani
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