I lay in the forest amongst the butterflies and the fireflies and the burning horses and the flaming trees, as a spiral of children climb up to the sun, waving goodbye to you and goodbye to me as the past pulls away and the future begins, I say goodbye to all that as the future rolls in, like a wave, like a wave, and the past with its savage undertow, lets go.
Come on everyone, come on everyone
A spiral of children climbs up to the sun
To the sun, to the sun, and on each golden rung
A spiral of children climbs up to the sun
And a man called Jesus, he promised he would leave us with a word that would light up the night, oh the night, but the stars hang from threads and blink off one by one and it isn’t any fun no it isn’t any fun to be standing here alone with nowhere to be with a man mad with grief and on each side a thief and everybody hanging from a tree, from a tree, and everybody hanging from a tree.
Come on everyone, come on everyone
within - entro
waving - agitando
undertow - risacca
threads - fili
thief - ladro
there - là
fields - i campi
pulls - tira
everybody - tutti
butterflies - farfalle
horses - cavalli
screaming - urlando
climbs - salite
called - chiamato
valuable - prezioso
beauty - bellezza
children - bambini
amongst - tra
forest - foresta
standing - in piedi
future - futuro
leaves - le foglie
black - nero
flaming - fiammeggiante
grief - dolore
beautiful - bellissimo
goodbye - addio
alone - da solo
begins - inizia
light - leggero
savage - selvaggio
rolls - rotoli
climb - scalata
would - voluto
bright - luminosa
everyone - tutti
green - verde
nothing - niente
jesus - Gesù
fireflies - lucciole
burning - ardente
golden - d'oro
leave - partire
night - notte
nowhere - da nessuna parte
beside - accanto
promised - promesso
hanging - sospeso
smoke - fumo
trees - alberi
spiral - spirale
blink - lampeggiare
stars - stelle
sunshine - luce del sole
taking - presa
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