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Nina Hagen – Dr. Art testo e traduzione (al clic) in italiano

Dr. Art - Nina Hagen

parole da studiare

Get high on yourself baby.. hey hey hey

Cause I love you

Forever and ever

(Ever and ever)

(Something wrong.. something wrong with YOU!)

There's something wrong with YOU

The first real change

You.. a revoloution

You.. a believer

Revoloution.. revoloution..

(Its me)

Revoloution.. revoloution (Hanz)

Nina Hagen.. Nina Hagen..

(The prophet)

Nina Hagen..

(Hanz.. my name is Hanz..)

Nina Hagen..

I am the prophet!

(Dr. Rat is dead)


Chosen one, I am the chosen one


I am the chosen one

I am the chosen one

You make the real Art

I am his chosen one

I am the chosen one

(You are the real art)

I am the chosen one

I am the chosen one

Prophet! I am the prophet!

I am the prophet, prophet, prophet, prophet, prophet

Dr. Rat is dead

Dr. Rat is dead,(HANZ)

Dr. Rat is dead

Dr. Rat is dead,

Dr. Rat is dead

Dr. Rat is dead,(Oh HANZ.. Hanz, you are my lover)

Dr. Rat is dead

Dr. Rat is dead,

(The first real change)

(On and on)

(On and on)

He is my lover!

In the winter, when it was so cold

(Something wrong with you)

In the winter

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