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No Doubt – Hey Baby testo e traduzione (al clic) in italiano

Hey Baby - No Doubt

parole da studiare

Hey Baby, Hey Baby, Hey

Girls Say, Girls Say,

Hey Baby, Hey Baby, Hey

Hey Baby Baby

I'm the kinda girl that hangs with the guys

Like a fly on the wall with my secret eyes

Takin it in, try to be feminine

With my makeup bag watchin all the sin

Misfit, I sit

Lit up, wicked

Everybody else surrounded by the girls

With the tank tops and the flirty ways

I'm just sippin on chamomile

Watching boys and girls and their sex appeal

With a stranger in the face who says he knows my mom

And went to my high school


All the boys say,

Hey Baby, Hey Baby, Hey

Girls Say, Girls Say,

Hey Baby, Hey Baby, Hey

Hey Baby Baby

Hey Baby, Hey Baby, Hey

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