On a wind that's sailing through the morning
I have cut the harness off of my heart
On a tide that's rising with the dawning
I find I belong inside the dark
And when the waves roll in to cover me in shame
I avoid another sign of the efforts made in vain
I am just another ripple in the current of an age
Another crossed out name on another wrinkled page
Carry me home
Carry me home
Carry me home
Carry me home
Carry me home
Carry me home
wounds - ferite
wound - ferita
waves - onde
wants - vuole
wanted - ricercato
visit - visita
through - attraverso
tells - dice
sailing - andare in barca
rising - crescente
reappear - riapparire
moonlight - chiaro di luna
inside - dentro
heart - cuore
comes - viene
broken - rotto
dream - sognare
carry - trasportare
could - poteva
ripple - ondulazione
above - sopra
apparition - apparizione
wrinkled - rugoso
morning - mattina
familiar - familiare
another - un altro
having - avendo
haunted - frequentato
belong - appartenere
avoid - evitare
crossed - attraversato
would - voluto
dawning - alba
shame - vergogna
bleak - brullo
cover - copertina
harness - imbracatura
current - attuale
disappear - scomparire
efforts - sforzi
fortnight - due settimane
should - dovrebbero
every - dejte pozor
friendship - amicizia
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