I wish I was infinite and given my way

I'd be so fucking cool

When I'm feeling the rush

I look at you through different eyes

I never knew my thoughts televise what you think

I'm the twin inside you

It's hard to believe what you say

Unaccepting what you've tried to show us

And nothing can fix what's incomplete

Can't get to us

Never get to us

And nothing can fix what's incomplete

Can't get to us

Never get to us

words - parole
finding - scoperta
follow - segui
feeling - sensazione
dizziness - vertigini
incomplete - incompleto
where - dove
reason - ragionare
everyone - tutti
everything - qualunque cosa
every - dejte pozor
velvet - velluto
unaccepting - intollerante
dream - sognare
constantly - costantemente
infinite - infinito
through - attraverso
blinding - accecante
boredom - la noia
given - dato
memories - ricordi
believe - credere
covering - copertura
obedient - obbediente
street - strada
deadbeats - fannulloni
devour - divorare
dirty - sporco
known - conosciuto
nothing - niente
maker - creatore
modern - moderno
never - mai
designer - progettista
these - queste
rational - razionale
walking - a passeggio
refreshing - rinfrescante
different - diverso
times - volte
inside - dentro
something - qualcosa
think - pensare
fucking - cazzo
stumbling - inciampando
thoughts - pensieri
tried - provato

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