You never know just what you've got
Until it's slipping through your fingers
You never know just what you've got
Until it's gone with the wind
And you never miss your shadow
Until there's no one left beside you
You never miss your shadow
Until you're alone
Alone in the dark
You never know just what will break you
Until you're picking up the pieces
Never know just what will break you
Until your world, it falls apart
Never know how small your voice is
Until you're screaming at the silence
world - mondo
words - parole
slipping - slittamento
silence - silenzio
shadow - ombra
today - oggi
screaming - urlando
pieces - pezzi
until - fino a
small - piccolo
picking - scelta
never - mai
voice - voce
leaves - le foglie
burns - ustioni
broken - rotto
break - rompere
question - domanda
bones - ossatura
fingers - dita
biggest - maggiore
alone - da solo
reverence - riverenza
gotta - devo
bring - portare
apart - a parte
arguing - sostenendo
beside - accanto
colour - colore
deaths - morti
earth - terra
deserves - merita
falling - caduta
falls - cadute
frailty - fragilità
friend - amico
through - attraverso
guilt - colpa
happen - accadere
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