PATRICK: Magpie, was it you who stole the wedding ring? Or what other thieving bird would steal such hope away? Magpie, I am lost among the hinterland, caught among the bracken and the fern and the boys who have no name.

MARIANNE: There's no name for us.

PATRICK: Still we sing.

MARIANNE: And still we sing. little boy, little boy, lost and blue, listen now, let me tell you what to do. You can run on, run along, alone or home between the knees of her; all among her bracken and her ferns and the boy will have a name.

BOTH: We will sing.

would - voluto
wedding - nozze
three - tre
thieving - ladro
stole - ha rubato
knees - ginocchia
hinterland - entroterra
magpie - gazza
listen - ascolta
ferns - felci
bracken - felce
caught - catturato
between - fra
among - tra
patrick - patrick
along - lungo
alone - da solo
seven - sette
little - piccolo
still - ancora
marianne - marianne
never - mai
other - altro
silver - argento
secret - segreto
sorrow - tristezza
steal - rubare

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