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Pentatonix – Up On The Housetop testo e traduzione (al clic) in italiano

Up On The Housetop - Pentatonix

parole da studiare

Up on the housetop

Up on the housetop yeah, yeah

Up on the housetop

Up on the housetop click, click, click

Up on the housetop reindeer pause

Out jumps good ol' Santa Claus

Down through the chimney with lots of toys

All for the little ones' Christmas joys

Ho ho ho, who wouldn't go

Ho ho ho, who wouldn't go

Up on the housetop, click, click, click

Down through the chimney with good Saint Nick

Up on the housetop

Up on the housetop yeah, yeah

Up on the housetop

Up on the housetop click, click, click

First comes the stocking of little Nell

Oh dear Santa fill it well

Give her a dolly that laughs and cries

One that can open and shut its eyes

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