I spy a boy, I spy a girl
I spy the worst place in the world
In the whole wide world
Oh you didn't do bad, you made it out
I'm still stuck here, oh but I'll get out
Oh yeah, I'll get out
Can't you see the giant that walks among you
Seeing through your petty lives?
Do you think I do these things for real?
I do these things just so I survive
And you know I will survive
It may look to the untrained eye
I'm sitting on my arse all day
I'm biding time until I take you all on
I want to, hear this
I will prevail, I cannot fail
'Cos I spy
Oh, I've got your number, taken notes
I know the ways your minds work, I've studied
And your minds are just the same as mine
Except that you are clever swines
You never let your mask slip, you never admit to it
You're never hurried, oh no no no
And every night I hone my plan
How I will get my satisfaction
How I will blow your paradise away, away, away
'Cos I spy
And it's just like in the old days
I used to compose my own critical notices in my head
worst - peggio
world - mondo
woman - donna
wanted - ricercato
until - fino a
unexpectedly - inaspettatamente
touched - toccato
together - insieme
thousands - migliaia
think - pensare
things - cose
weeks - settimane
taking - presa
taken - prese
grass - erba
afternoon - pomeriggio
prevail - prevalere
plaque - placca
drinking - potabile
dresses - abiti
dinner - cena
except - tranne
swines - suini
indeed - infatti
corners - angoli
bones - ossatura
control - controllo
masterful - imperioso
front - davanti
corner - angolo
biding - biding
grove - boschetto
minds - menti
place - posto
clever - intelligente
cause - causa
chose - scelto
chest - il petto
bicycle - bicicletta
whole - totale
dragged - trascinato
giant - gigante
designer - progettista
provence -
favourite - preferito
crowd - folla
dryness - secchezza
exactly - di preciso
compose - comporre
catch - catturare
smoke - fumo
living - vita
again - ancora
critical - critico
admit - ammettere
among - tra
brandy - brandy
birds - uccelli
night - notte
burns - ustioni
through - attraverso
above - sopra
cigarettes - sigarette
never - mai
champagne - champagne
chance - opportunità
beating - battito
untrained - non addestrato
cheek - guancia
hatch - schiudere
haves - haves
hurried - frettoloso
cannot - non può
imagining - immaginando
these - queste
lines - Linee
notes - gli appunti
stuck - incollato
lives - vite
walks - passeggiate
messing - pasticciano
midnight - mezzanotte
notices - avvisi
should - dovrebbero
avoiding - evitando
outside - al di fuori
against - contro
paradise - paradiso
parks - parchi
first - primo
parties - feste
shove - spintone
looks - sembra
revenge - vendetta
sickness - malattia
number - numero
satisfaction - soddisfazione
skilfully - abilmente
stretched - teso
seeing - vedendo
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