I smoked Consulates and Park Drive, drank Nookie Brown

Learned how to skive

Polo mints to hide my breath from my mum

Did a little weed cuz it felt like fun

Did a little bit of speed if my friend had some

Nicked Volkswagen badges I'm a Beastie Boys son

Me so horny, me so young and I still get my washing done

Auntie Joan died of cancer God didn't have an answer

Rhythm was a dancer

Any room for a chancer? That's me in the corner, thanks sir!

I wore astute track suits, British Nike shoes, Kangol hat like LL Cool's

Before I was 'avin it, 'avin it large

They nicked the BMX from out my garage

Knew it was Theo from off the estate cuz every time he'd see me, he'd smile like we were mates

From then on in I'd have to walk to me Nan's

And I'd dream my dreams through a sea of prams

Like a hooligan on the football stands

And I'd throw the v's to Leeds and West Ham

Then I ran, I ran so far away down Scotia Road to a taxi bay

Then I ran again cuz I couldn't pay, a Muslim didn't get his fare that day

I apologise today

Things are better when they start

youth - gioventù
young - giovane
wonder - meravigliarsi
wednesday - mercoledì
washing - lavaggio
volkswagen - volkswagen
tuesday - martedì
track - traccia
today - oggi
thursday - giovedi
throw - gettare
mints - zecche
falklands - falklands
every - dejte pozor
chancer - Chancer
girls - ragazze
drive - guidare
discovered - scoperto
dreams - sogni
family - famiglia
football - calcio
little - piccolo
corner - angolo
rhythm - ritmo
fourth - il quarto
fizzy - frizzante
drank - bevuto
cider - cedro
called - chiamato
again - ancora
apologise - scusarsi
cried - gridò
badges - badge
nanny - bambinaia
auntie - zia
dress - vestito
nicked - intaccate
beastie - beastie
fancied - immaginato
shoes - scarpe
brilliant - brillante
estate - tenuta
scotia - scozia
better - meglio
calling - chiamata
astute - astuto
looking - analizzare, cercare, guardare
stuff - cose
broke - rotto
dancer - ballerino
through - attraverso
above - sopra
consulates - consolati
breast - seno
breath - respiro
fingered - Fingered
dream - sognare
british - britannico
could - poteva
impressed - impressionato
clive - clive
before - prima
things - cose
cemetery - cimitero
brown - marrone
learned - imparato
sunday - domenica
virginity - verginità
catholic - cattolico
friday - venerdì
hooligan - teppista
garage - box auto
women - donne
grandad - nonno
heart - cuore
monday - lunedi
horny - corneo
raised - sollevato
start - inizio
years - anni
large - grande
laugh - ridere
dumped - scaricati
leeds - leeds
marie - marie
mates - compagni
played - giocato
thick - denso
right - destra
speed - velocità
friend - amico
person - persona
prams - carrozzine
pregnant - incinta
purse - borsa
repeatedly - ripetutamente
rocking - a dondolo
cancer - cancro
muslim - musulmano
saturday - sabato

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