He's a rebel and a runner

He's a signal turning green

He's a restless young romantic

Wants to run the big machine

He's got a problem with his poisons

But you know he'll find a cure

He's cleaning up his systems

To keep his nature pure

Learning to match the beat of the Old World Man

Learning to catch the heat of the Third World Man

He's got to make his own mistakes

And learn to mend the mess he makes

He's old enough to know what's right

yesterday - ieri
weapons - armi
world - mondo
turning - svolta
tuned - sintonizzato
trying - provare
today - oggi
signal - segnale
runner - corridore
romantic - romantico
receiver - ricevitore
ranger - guardia forestale
radio - radio
problem - problema
poisons - veleni
writer - scrittore
factories - fabbriche
constant - costante
systems - sistemi
right - destra
knows - conosce
concerned - ha riguardato
wants - vuole
restless - irrequieto
cleaning - pulizia
green - verde
learning - apprendimento
bearing - cuscinetto
third - terzo
change - modificare
young - giovane
control - controllo
enough - abbastanza
rebel - ribelle
nature - natura
catch - catturare
power - energia
match - incontro
noble - nobile
choose - scegliere
learn - imparare
farms - aziende agricole
machine - macchina
makes - fa
mistakes - errori
patrol - pattuglia

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