Took a walk with you

In the shadow of my shoes

Danced around the broken blues

In the dirty summer rain

Moonlight on the cars

Parked in single file at bars

With a thick and rosy smoke

Waving its busted hand

Bringing you down, can't bring you down

Bring you down, can't bring you down

Bring you down, can't hear the sound

yellow - giallo
through - attraverso
smoke - fumo
shoes - scarpe
waving - agitando
sound - suono
danced - danzato
busted - arrestato
canoe - canoa
cheer - rallegrare
straightened - raddrizzato
blues - blues
around - in giro
single - singolo
place - posto
broken - rotto
hollywood - hollywood
bringing - portando
moonlight - chiaro di luna
pretty - bella
summer - estate
bring - portare
dirty - sporco
called - chiamato
landlord - proprietario
thick - denso
parked - parcheggiata
lease - contratto di locazione
little - piccolo
police - polizia
river - fiume
shadow - ombra

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