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SayWeCanFly – When We Die testo e traduzione (al clic) in italiano

When We Die - SayWeCanFly

parole da studiare

When we die, die alone.

When we die, let's go home.

When she walks,

Daisies and rain fall from her

Eyelids to the ends of the earth.

Everything's growing again.

When she cries,

Sparrows and crows lose their wings.

For they're simply missing the spring.

Winter is coming again.

I notice my breath getting colder.

I notice your breath getting shorter.

I notice the heart in my chest getting heavy

And both of my lungs getting older.

I notice our bodies together.

Oh God, I just want that forever.

When we die.

Let's die alone, die alone.

That way only you and I.

Will know where we go, where we go.