Way back in the year of 2017
The sun was growing hotter
And oil was way beyond its peak
When crazy Hector Johnson broke into a refinery
And the black gold started flowing
Just like Boston tea
It was the summer of the riots
And London suffered sweltering heat
And the gangs of Mini Coopers
Took the battle to the streets
But When the creed was handed down
For no more trucks and no more cars
They threw cans of petrol through the windows
At Scotland Yard
Gasoline will be free, will be free
When the Mounties stormed the palace
Of the Saudi family
They held them up for ransom
Without disturbing their high tea
But their getaway was shaky
windows - finestre
washington - Washington
vintage - annata
under - sotto
turned - trasformato
handed - consegnato
angry - arrabbiato
guard - guardia
where - dove
great - grande
ground - terra
refinery - raffineria
truck - camion
getaway - 逃離
gasoline - gasolio
gangs - bande
front - davanti
ransom - riscatto
flies - mosche
together - insieme
saudi - arabia
final - finale
government - governo
mounties - Mounties
deere - deere
majesty - maestà
target - bersaglio
farms - aziende agricole
flowing - fluente
halls - sale
aqueduct -
beyond - al di là
sweltering - soffocante
fatal - fatale
sugar - zucchero
drive - guidare
petrol - benzina
poised - in bilico
dragged - trascinato
disturbing - inquietante
argentina - argentina
alive - vivo
about - di
black - nero
without - senza
message - messaggio
started - iniziato
snipers - cecchini
always - sempre
trucks - camion
growing - in crescita
standing - in piedi
audited - vérifié
hector - ettore
country - nazione
megaphone - megafono
driven - guidato
greed - avidità
taxes - le tasse
battle - battaglia
boston - Boston
riots - sommosse
adorned - ornato
cause - causa
pipeline - conduttura
coopers - bottai
market - mercato
family - famiglia
pumps - pompe
threw - gettò
bastards - bastardi
creed - credo
broke - rotto
death - morte
farming - agricoltura
hotter - più caldo
popping - popping
summer - estate
johnson - Johnson
riyadh - riyadh
these - queste
through - attraverso
loaded - caricato
making - fabbricazione
money - i soldi
palace - palazzo
payroll - libro paga
recognize - riconoscere
running - in esecuzione
worship - culto
scotland - Scozia
threat - minaccia
scream - urlare
london - Londra
farmers - agricoltori
afraid - impaurito
shaky - traballante
soldiers - soldati
stalled - in fase di stallo
stormed - preso d'assalto
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