Sing oh you righteous to the lord
It's right that the upright should acclaim him
Sing to Jah with your guitar
Turn up yer bass amp
Whack it up all the way to 'save him'
By the word of Jah heaven was made
By the breath of his mouth all its hosts
He gathers up the oceans like a mound
vaults - volte
sweet - dolce
stores - i negozi
spoke - ha parlato
should - dovrebbero
guitar - chitarra
frustrates - frustate
heaven - paradiso
hosts - padroni di casa
designs - disegni
mouth - bocca
gathers - raccoglie
oceans - oceani
endured - subito
acclaim - acclamazione
breath - respiro
upright - verticale
brings - porta
earth - terra
loves - ama
whack - picchiare
right - destra
mound - tumulo
nations - nazioni
people - persone
shouts - grida
nothing - niente
commanded - comandato
plans - piani
righteous - giusto
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