{Cry for help}

Once I got caught in an avalanche, I must have died

When the black swan flew to the rescue and cried

An offer I could not refuse, now I'm working on the other side

Well I flew with the bird then, and we flew all night

And I got to see my prison from a thousand feet high

Buy me a drink, and I'll tell you about the black swan

Must keep those black wings folded until the time is right

To find the one who I can steal the soul from

To buy more time

Must keep my secrets untold until the wrongs are right

The only one I could deceive, I buy my time

Need you to fly on the black swan

The date is set, we all must face it

Door to door seeking salvation

I must fall, die, I wished not

I hope to stay afloat when you give into the

Silver lining, sharp and so cold

wrongs - torti
worry - preoccupazione
wings - ali
whole - totale
untold - indicibile
until - fino a
trade - commercio
stranger - sconosciuto
someone - qualcuno
silver - argento
thousand - mille
should - dovrebbero
sharp - acuto
seeking - cerca
secrets - segreti
everyone - tutti
deceive - ingannare
creed - credo
darkest - più scuro
engaged - impegnato
boiling - bollente
advice - consigli
working - lavoro
could - poteva
close - vicino
drink - bere
creator - creatore
grave - tomba
caught - catturato
flower - fiore
steal - rubare
other - altro
about - di
black - nero
folded - piegato
ticket - biglietto
served - servito
refuse - rifiuto
covered - coperto
empty - vuoto
avalanche - valanga
cried - gridò
before - prima
finger - dito
anger - rabbia
rescue - salvare
ready - pronto
chances - possibilità
lining - rivestimento
forever - per sempre
smile - sorriso
promise - promettere
those - quelli
salvation - salvezza
afloat - a galla
fades - svanisce
frozen - congelato
wished - desiderato
leave - partire
nailed - inchiodato
prison - prigione
memories - ricordi
water - acqua
night - notte
offer - offrire
stabbed - accoltellato
received - ricevuto
pouring - scrosciante
returning - ritorno
right - destra

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