You borrow the moment, betray your own heavens

The darkness is thickening, breathing gets harder

The balance is off, some take more than give back,

the attitude, ignorance, proved to be fatal

for that tiny spark that led our way

you poisoned the air, should you stay away, hence

Wish to be one of us, follow the trail

Take the time offered, don't toss it away

travesty, no trial, defendant is guilty

and we are the judges and sentence the jury

to pay for forgiveness with silent contentment

Stand in the line with the rest of us

We cannot carry you further today

hear what you don't say, thus help... in any way

Need you to learn how to cry without darkness

Face like the others the pain that is harmless

Feel the world has let you down

somehow, we cannot see this

Have to bear the winterburn

You can only wait, if it will fade with time

Secrecy, silence, a stench of treason

the glow of the darkness, you brought in the daylight

The cure will not kill you, there's no such mercy.

would - voluto
world - mondo
travesty - parodia
together - insieme
times - volte
thickening - ispessimento
stench - fetore
start - inizio
spark - scintilla
silent - silenzioso
silence - silenzio
should - dovrebbero
sentence - condanna, frase
treason - tradimento
packs - confezioni
trail - pista
nothing - niente
never - mai
somehow - in qualche modo
nature - natura
mercy - misericordia
others - altri
little - piccolo
justified - giustificato
today - oggi
judges - giudici
limbo - limbo
change - modificare
coming - venuta
chance - opportunità
forever - per sempre
right - destra
harder - più forte
brought - portato
child - bambino
changing - mutevole
secrecy - segretezza
carry - trasportare
betray - tradire
again - ancora
trust - fiducia
confident - fiducioso
cannot - non può
trial - prova
along - lungo
careless - negligente
attitude - atteggiamento
bewail - lamentare
ignorance - ignoranza
shared - diviso
proved - dimostrato
balance - equilibrio
contentment - contentezza
breathing - respirazione
learn - imparare
arranging - organizzazione
cruel - crudele
harmless - innocuo
borrow - prendere in prestito
stand - stare in piedi
gravity - gravità
poisoned - avvelenata
darkest - più scuro
darkness - oscurità
daylight - luce del giorno
things - cose
feeding - alimentazione
follow - segui
defendant - imputato
alone - da solo
counting - conteggio
forgiveness - perdono
friend - amico
defying - sfidando
glowing - raggiante
behind - dietro a
fatal - fatale
further - ulteriore
there - là
offered - offerta
guilty - colpevole
rules - regole
puppy - cucciolo
moment - momento
heart - cuore
without - senza
heavens - cieli
hence - quindi
infect - infettare

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