They've decided to own the world tonight,

create the standard, now roll the reel.

Ambush the poor, take what they have,

to create a warlike feel.

Turn the page!

One vision, resolution.

Friends and allies, easy come.

The golden moments, our lifestyle,

depends on your children.

We're doomed if the war is over, all is lost.

Down the drain, keep fingers crossed.

Hope the world forgets or the world forgives.

Charm their minds and hearts once more, for me.

Use the time in the public eye!

"How we love you so!"

Now people, you should know, who's your foe.

Who's your friend, your enemy?

The enemy!

"Yes, you are needed, so badly wanted.

If we wish to live in peace,

we need to fight, it demands a sacrifice."

New blood is gathered, donations needed.

Every day, one soul away of your fulfillment, the necessity.

Unplug the damaged toys, all amputated souls.

For everything is over for them, we cannot

Use a man who's lost a hand,

would - voluto
washed - lavato
warlike - bellicoso
unplug - scollegare
together - insieme
wheels - ruote
still - ancora
standard - standard
stand - stare in piedi
souls - anime
single - singolo
signed - firmato
excavated - scavato
everything - qualunque cosa
every - dejte pozor
doomed - condannato
where - dove
future - futuro
depends - dipende
power - energia
damaged - danneggiato
wonder - meravigliarsi
command - comando
their - loro
follow - segui
people - persone
concealed - nascosto
children - bambini
things - cose
charm - fascino
cannot - non può
crossed - attraversato
forgives - perdona
drowning - annegamento
babies - bambini
alone - da solo
moments - momenti
decided - deciso
world - mondo
oiling - oliatura
proclaim - proclamare
ambush - imboscata
created - creato
fulfillment - compimento
three - tre
donations - Donazioni
white - bianca
clean - pulito
wanted - ricercato
fighting - combattente
allies - alleati
badly - male
almighty - onnipotente
friend - amico
balls - palle
create - creare
enemy - nemico
lines - Linee
animated - animato
chain - catena
behind - dietro a
blood - sangue
minds - menti
bones - ossatura
lacks - manca
amputated - amputata
private - privato
defeat - la sconfitta
beast - bestia
bullets - proiettili
righteous - giusto
buried - sepolto
burning - ardente
always - sempre
friends - amici
black - nero
golden - d'oro
vision - visione
change - modificare
fields - i campi
tonight - stasera
papers - documenti
lucky - fortunato
earth - terra
necessity - necessità
fight - combattimento
resolution - risoluzione
flower - fiore
forever - per sempre
sacrifice - sacrificio
creed - credo
forgets - dimentica
privileged - privilegiato
gathered - si riunirono
given - dato
fingers - dita
ground - terra
hearts - cuori
heirs - eredi
against - contro

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