Doesn't matter, doesn't matter if the rain comes down
I'll find a reason, find a reason if it can be found
'Cos something happened, something happened while I wasn't around
It could be better, could be better with the rain all around
You had no reason, no special reason
For saying what you said to her about me
She must believe you, really believe you
Or else she wouldn't have had anything to do with you now
I often wonder, just sit and wonder
Does everybody make the same mistakes too?
I may go under when I feel under
So don't you take advantage of the situation I'm in
wonder - meravigliarsi
special - speciale
things - cose
something - qualcosa
situation - situazione
while - mentre
reminder - promemoria
reason - ragionare
really - veramente
promises - promesse
mistakes - errori
being - essere
believe - credere
saying - detto
better - meglio
broken - rotto
before - prima
happened - è accaduto
anything - qualsiasi cosa
forever - per sempre
often - spesso
breaking - rottura
together - insieme
about - di
small - piccolo
around - in giro
everybody - tutti
heartache - angoscia
found - trovato
comes - viene
makes - fa
heart - cuore
advantage - vantaggio
could - poteva
little - piccolo
under - sotto
difference - differenza
matter - importa
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