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Sting – 16 Fathoms testo e traduzione (al clic) in italiano

16 Fathoms - Sting

parole da studiare


16 fathoms down

Where my ship is bound

Another drop in the ocean

16 fathoms down

She said, "Sailor man, believe me

I stand on solid ground

You say your plan is to leave me

And sail out from this town

You know prophecy runs in my family

I know where your ship is bound

One day you're going to find yourself

16 fathoms down."

16 fathoms down

Where my soul is bound

Another drop in the ocean

16 fathoms down

I didn't pay no mind to her

I just turned around

My ship lies out in the harbor

I sail out from this town

My thoughts become uneasy

Her words keep turning 'round

I pray that I won't find myself

16 fathoms down

16 fathoms down

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