The time has come, the Walrus said
To talk of many things
Of ships and shoes and sealing wax
Of cabbages and kings
Life a the greatest gift given to humanity
Surround yourself with a lot a positive energy
Yuh caan buy it even if yuh have wull heap a money
A das why we spread love ina the community
Yuh coulda be small man or a celebrity
Yuh coulda live uptown or di ina city
Wi need a world full peace and serenity
Sting come sing out fi everybody
The time has come, as Shaggy said
To talk of many things
Of ships and shoes and sealing wax
Of cabbages and kings
The planets turn in retrograde
The moon seems to have fled
The world is spinning upside down
And landed on its head
Just one lifetime
And there's only one, yes there's only one
Just one life to live
Assuming that we'll make it
We've no choice but to take it
I'm with you, the Walrus said
walrus - tricheco
uptown - quartieri residenziali
upside - sottosopra
together - insieme
thought - pensato
these - queste
things - cose
spread - diffusione
spinning - filatura
shoes - scarpe
unite - unire
ships - navi
seems - sembra
sealing - sigillatura
rules - regole
shaggy - ispido
rough - ruvido
retrograde - retrogrado
gently - delicatamente
weather - tempo metereologico
friend - amico
reckoning - calcolo
signs - Segni
replace - sostituire
fight - combattimento
sting - puntura
everybody - tutti
cigarette - sigaretta
engine - motore
going - andando
generation - generazione
trend - tendenza
heavy - pesante
enemy - nemico
empty - vuoto
where - dove
landed - atterrato
filled - pieno
serenity - serenità
dress - vestito
celebrity - celebrità
unleaded - benzina senza piombo
cabbages - cavoli
community - comunità
choice - scelta
headed - intestata
claimed - ha sostenuto
enough - abbastanza
surround - circondare
coulda - coulda
assuming - supponendo
negativity - negatività
peace - pace
ahead - avanti
lifetime - tutta la vita
message - messaggio
given - dato
greatest - più grande
towns - città
right - destra
humanity - umanità
yourself - te stesso
roads - strade
passed - passato
knowing - sapendo
coming - venuta
humming - ronzio
energy - energia
leaders - capi
smoked - affumicato
small - piccolo
kings - re
longer - più a lungo
world - mondo
north - nord
packed - confezionato
planets - pianeti
money - i soldi
positive - positivo
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