Right now da ting hopefully get real
Right now da ting hopefully get real
Right now da ting hopefully get real
Right now da ting hopefully get real
I wait no corners if they cut no deal
When the sun goes down
Aligned, the world won't stay
Come lay down here beside me
Waitin' for the break of day
In the darkest night
The moon she stays away
Come on, hold me close tonight
We're waitin' for the break of day
Come and hold me close tonight
Waitin' for the break of day (for the break, for the break)
Yeah! Blue moon rising
Tides and dark skies
Overnight passing ships will collide
world - mondo
wicked - malvagio
weary - stanco
wisdom - saggezza
tonight - stasera
think - pensare
swallowed - ingestione
tremor - tremore
things - cose
forth - via
close - vicino
kingdom - regno
forced - costretto
falseness - falsità
passing - passaggio
tears - lacrime
corners - angoli
belly - pancia
hopefully - fiduciosamente
betrayed - tradito
devotion - devozione
motion - movimento
another - un altro
overnight - durante la notte
itself - si
trust - fiducia
streaming - streaming
aligned - allineati
tides - maree
pines - pini
clearly - chiaramente
ships - navi
positions - posizioni
chest - il petto
collide - entrare in collisione
night - notte
break - rompere
darkest - più scuro
beside - accanto
light - leggero
minimum - minimo
picket - picchetto
rising - crescente
sting - puntura
politicians - politici
right - destra
stand - stare in piedi
hands - mani
shaggy - ispido
disobey - disobbedire
skies - cieli
stays - Soggiorni
still - ancora
their - loro
there - là
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