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Sun Kil Moon – Carissa testo e traduzione (al clic) in italiano

Carissa - Sun Kil Moon

parole da studiare

Oh, Carissa when I first saw you

You were a lovely child

And the last time I saw you

You were 15 and pregnant and running wild

I remember wondering could there be

a light at the end of your tunnel

But I left Ohio then and

had pretty much forgotten all about you

I guess you were there some years ago

at a family funeral

But you were one of so many relatives

I didn't know which one was you

Yesterday morning I woke up to so many

330 area code calls

I called my mom back and she was in tears

and asked had I spoke to my father

Carissa burned to death last night

in a freak accident fire

In her yard in Brewster her daughter came home

from a party and found her

Same way as my uncle

who was her grandfather

An aerosol can blew up in the trash,

goddamn what were the odds?

She was just getting ready to go

to her midnight shift as an RN in Wadsworth

Then she vanished up in flames like that

but there had to be more

to her life's worth

Everyone's grieving out of their minds

making arrangements and taking drugs

But I'm flying out there tomorrow because

I need to give and get some hugs

Cause I got questions that

I'd like to get answered

I may never get them, but Carissa

I gotta know how did it happen?

Carissa was 35

You don't just raise two kids

and take out your trash and die

She was my second cousin