I\'m feelin\' so alone now

They cut the telephone un hunh

Yeah my life is just a mess

I threw it all away now

I could have made a fortune

I lost the craving for success...

And as the Acrobats they tumble

So the corn begins to crumble

While in the mirror

She admires a brand new dress...

Live on the second floor now

They\'re tryin\' to bust the door down

Soon I\'ll have a new address...

So much for liberation

They\'ll have a celebration

Yeah I\'ve been under too much stress

And as the clouds begin to rumble

So the juggler makes his fumble

And the sun upon my wall is getting less

Don\'t, give a damn

wreck - relitto
under - sotto
tumble - caduta
together - insieme
think - pensare
tailor - sarto
while - mentre
their - loro
success - successo
stress - stress
stick - bastone
soldier - soldato
begin - inizio
rumble - rombo
discover - scoprire
gutter - grondaia
clouds - nuvole
cover - copertina
checks - controlli
celebration - celebrazione
bummer - più scadente
would - voluto
admires - ammira
address - indirizzo
symbol - simbolo
bought - comprato
feelin - Feelin
tryin - tryin
acrobats - acrobati
amuck - freneticamente
crumble - crollare
alone - da solo
judas - Giuda
drive - guidare
afford - permettersi
brand - marca
telephone - telefono
bleed - sanguinare
everyone - tutti
liberation - liberazione
number - numero
other - altro
fight - combattimento
floor - pavimento
craving - brama
fortune - fortuna
fumble - armeggiare
gonna - andando
juggler - giocoliere
makes - fa
mirror - specchio
nervous - nervoso
nimble - agile
dress - vestito
ready - pronto
threw - gettò
could - poteva
begins - inizia
sailor - marinaio
shoot - sparare
getting - ottenere
second - secondo
shout - grido

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