parole da studiare
Stay up real late
Let's go to the place
Well don't tell your Dad
He wouldn't understand
Hang on one more year
Soon I'll be here
Well don't take the chance
You can't come back
Impara il vero inglese da film e libri.
Aggiungi parole o frasi per imparare ed esercitati con altri studenti.
Stay up real late
Let's go to the place
Well don't tell your Dad
He wouldn't understand
Hang on one more year
Soon I'll be here
Well don't take the chance
You can't come back
wrong - sbagliato
chance - opportunità
heard - sentito
understand - capire
girls - ragazze
prove - dimostrare
deserve - meritare
place - posto
things - cose
always - sempre
waste - rifiuto
never - mai
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