You shatter me
Your grip on me - a hold on me so dull it kills
You stifle me
Infectious sense of hopelessness and prayers for rain
I suffocate
I breathe in dirt and nowhere shines but desolate and drab
The hours all spent on killing time again all waiting for the rain
waiting - in attesa
touch - toccare
strangle - strangolare
stifle - soffocare
hopelessness - senza speranza
hands - mani
suffocate - soffocare
breathe - respirare
glows - bagliori
plain - pianura
fracture - frattura
prayers - preghiere
drearily -
again - ancora
desolate - desolato
deteriorate - deteriorare
tired - stanco
infectious - infettivo
spent - speso
hours - ore
killing - uccisione
kills - uccide
shatter - frantumare
nowhere - da nessuna parte
stale - stantio
entangle - impigliare
sense - senso
shines - brilla
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