Yeah, c'mon
When the music's over
When the music's over, yeah, When the music's over
Turn out the lights, Turn out the lights
Turn out the lights, yeah
When the music's over
Turn out the lights
For the music is your special friend
Dance on fire as it intends
Music is your only friend
Until the end
Cancel my subscription to the Resurrection
Send my credentials to the House of Detention
I got some friends inside
The face in the mirror won't stop
The girl in the window won't drop
A feast of friends, "Alive!" she cried
Waitin' for me, Outside!
intends - intende
inside - dentro
gentle - gentile
heads - teste
ravaged - devastato
friend - amico
dragged - trascinato
butterfly - farfalla
persian - persiano
sister - sorella
alive - vivo
window - finestra
house - casa
feast - festa
resurrection - risurrezione
until - fino a
tired - stanco
clear - chiaro
lights - luci
around - in giro
credentials - credenziali
dance - danza
ripped - strappato
light - leggero
earth - terra
knives - coltelli
friends - amici
jesus - Gesù
today - oggi
fences - recinzioni
mirror - specchio
ground - terra
music - musica
night - notte
world - mondo
outside - al di fuori
before - prima
cried - gridò
plundered - saccheggiato
scream - urlare
cancel - annulla
sound - suono
special - speciale
subscription - sottoscrizione
detention - detenzione
sleep - dormire
stuck - incollato
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