One step into the light
One step away from night
It's the hardest step you're gonna take
The ship to take you there
Is waiting at the head
Of the stairs that lead up through your opening mind
Above the dark despair
Shines a light that we can share
Close your eyes and look up in between your brows
Then slowly breathing in
Feel the life force streaming in
Hold it there, then send it back to him
All the old things are returning
Cosmic circles ever turning
All the truth we've been yearning for
Life is our saviour
yearning - bramosia
world - mondo
turning - svolta
through - attraverso
there - là
streaming - streaming
slowly - lentamente
shines - brilla
share - condividere
saviour - salvatore
river - fiume
night - notte
mission - missione
unfound - unfound
truth - verità
living - vita
breathing - respirazione
breath - respiro
choose - scegliere
earth - terra
returning - ritorno
above - sopra
stairs - le scale
blues - blues
before - prima
despair - disperazione
began - iniziato
thing - cosa
between - fra
dreams - sogni
start - inizio
close - vicino
flowing - fluente
cannot - non può
circles - cerchi
cosmic - cosmico
force - vigore
things - cose
brows - sopracciglia
light - leggero
ground - terra
gonna - andando
waiting - in attesa
opening - apertura
hardest - più difficile
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