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The Velvet Underground – Lonesome Cowboy Bill testo e traduzione (al clic) in italiano

Lonesome Cowboy Bill - The Velvet Underground

parole da studiare

Lonesome Cowboy Bill

Rides the rodeo.

Lonesome Cowboy Bill,

You got to see him yodel "Ay-hee-ho!"

Lonesome Cowboy Bill

Rides the rodeo.

Ever since he was a little lad,

Loves the rodeo.

Bucking broncs, yeah, sipping wine,

You got to see him go,

And all the ten-gallon girls

Love to hear him yodel "Ay-hee-ho!"


Lonesome Cowboy Bill

Rides the rodeo.

Lonesome Cowboy Bill,

You got to see him yodel "Ay-hee-ho!"

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