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The Velvet Underground – Oh! Sweet Nuthin' testo e traduzione (al clic) in italiano

Oh! Sweet Nuthin' - The Velvet Underground

parole da studiare

Say a word for Jimmy Brown

He ain't got nothing at all

He knocked the shirt right of his back

He ain't got nothing at all

And say a word for Ginger Brown

He walks with his head down to the ground

Took the shoes right off his feet

And threw the poor boy right out in the street

And this is what he said:

Oh, sweet nuthin'

She ain't got nothing at all

Oh, sweet nuthin'

She ain't got nothing at all

Say a word for Polly May

She can't tell the night from the day

They threw her out in the street

Just like a cat she landed on her feet

And say a word for Joana Love

She ain't got nothing at all

With every day she falls in love

And every night she falls

And when she does she says:

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