It's tough to stay objective, baby
With your tongue abseiling down my neck
It's a bulletproof offer I can't accept
It's tough to maintain focus, baby
Now all my elephants are in the room
We crave the fiction when we need the truth
You need to find a different boy's heart to chew
And all these emoticons and words
Try to make it better but they only make it worse
It's tough to feign indifference, baby
Now I'm spending all the money I have
Trying to impress you's kinda driving me mad
vultures - avvoltoi
under - sotto
trying - provare
truth - verità
tough - difficile
these - queste
worse - peggio
their - loro
place - posto
offer - offrire
might - potrebbe
literally - letteralmente
kinda - tipo
different - diverso
blame - colpa
better - meglio
behind - dietro a
words - parole
tension - tensione
pressure - pressione
lights - luci
driving - guida
beautiful - bellissimo
abseiling - discesa in corda doppia
crave - bramare
accept - accettare
attempts - tentativi
elephants - elefanti
bulletproof - antiproiettile
feign - fingere
objective - obbiettivo
focus - messa a fuoco
money - i soldi
metaphors - metafore
emoticons - emoticon
every - dejte pozor
everything - qualunque cosa
spending - la spesa
fiction - finzione
happens - accade
indifference - indifferenza
maintain - mantenere
heart - cuore
tongue - lingua
nothing - niente
impress - impressionare
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