[Dedicated to Hannah Stjärnvind]
Alone I sit, I wonder why
You dream of love and so do I
But in your sleep you cannot see
This pain which is always haunting me
What I need I'll never feel
This world is for me unreal
So I drink to darkness with a candle lit
And through the whole night alone I sit
The sleeping beauty
would - voluto
world - mondo
wonder - meravigliarsi
which - quale
where - dove
unreal - irreale
through - attraverso
surely - certamente
suicide - suicidio
stops - fermate
sleeping - addormentato
sleep - dormire
place - posto
candle - candela
beyond - al di là
could - poteva
something - qualcosa
alone - da solo
cannot - non può
dwells - abita
reckon - fare i conti
because - perché
called - chiamato
beauty - bellezza
paradise - paradiso
darkness - oscurità
dream - sognare
dreams - sogni
whole - totale
drink - bere
bleeding - emorragia
dedicated - dedito
fresh - fresco
hannah - hannah
haunting - ossessionante
never - mai
stinking - puzzolente
always - sempre
night - notte
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